Category Archives: Site Updates

Site Updates

Site Update

If you’ve visited before, you will notice a few updates to the site. The main change is that you’ll now land on a news/updates page initially. This should make it easier to know when I’ve posted something new in the galleries.

I’ll now be posting a short update when I load a new album. You’ll see a link to the album in the update. You can filter these, for example if you just want to see Fire related updates, click on Fire Rescue at the top or left of page. If you want to jump straight to the photos, look to the left for the link to the Photo gallery.

On the content front, I’ve been working through my archives to and loading older photos, particularly for Fire appliances. In the galleries I’m also setting up smart galleries so you can see all the photos in one place, of a particular type of appliance, station or individual appliance.

I hope you enjoy the updates and find the site useful. Please leave comments or send me an email, particularly if there’s anything you want to see or if you want me to come out to your station.